Daily Archive December 7, 2017


How to keep your face healthy and protected

Daily care for the face skin is something we mustn’t neglect. A beautiful face is a result of daily care. We have four easy ways which take only a few minutes a day, but will make your face look clear and shiny. Following these tips will make your skin look better.

Clean skin – healthy skin

Wash your face before and after sleeping. Don’t forget that the life in the city affects your skin every time you go out, damage is done to your skin. Especially to your facial skin due to direct contact with the environment. Not cleaning the dust, harms your skin as well. Using makeup is another reason to think about taking care about the long term effects. Micellar water is the easiest way to clean it. Don’t leave make up on your skin longer than you need to. Take advantage of the micellar water. It’s very useful to clean your  skin.


Protecting your skin via hydrating face cream

Protecting your skin via hydrating face cream on a daily basis is the second tip for a beauty facial skin. It makes a thin film on your face which nourishes the skin and protects it from the polluted air. The cream needs to be appropriate for your type of skin. It’s good the cream to be hydrating and hypoallergenic to be able to protect the skin from allergic reaction. You should avoid missing your daily dose of hydrating face cream if you’re keen on the good results you’ve been having.

Deep cleaning via exfoliating

Once a week it is good to deeply clean your facial skin of worries. No matter whether you use professional or homemade scrub, the exfoliating needs to be very gentle. Use slowly with circle like moves with a little bit of scrub to remove dead skin cells. Choosing the right scrub which consists of tiny particles is very important. Extra fine scrub particles have stunning results without hurting the skin. All you’ll have is beautiful, gentle and smooth skin. Exfoliating your skin helps to remove dead cells but don’t do this more than once a weak or you risk to overdo it and hurt your skin.


Leaving a face mask takes care of your skin

The facial mask is the special care for your skin. There are many brands you can choose and many recipes to use but what really matters is to be appropriate for your skin. It’s always a good choice to use either a hydrating facial mask or a firming mask. This face care method also needs to be done once a week and  after exfoliating your face skin. The right moment to apply the mask is after removing the dead cells. This procedure revitalizes the skin. Furthermore it’s really pleasant to use this revitalizing time for yourself and chill for 20minutes until the facial mask works.


Varicose veins – causes, prevention and solution

Varicose veins is a concern that can happen to anyone no matter the age. Women are more endangered by varicose but men aren’t immune as well. The most common symptoms are: leg pain, weight, twitching and burning edema which is cured by the cold, spontaneous appearance of subcutaneous haemorrhage, itching in the legs, tenderness of the veins.

It’s considered that issues related to the veins system are connected with the way of life and there’s a hereditary factor as well. Your daily life is a key factor for the troubles caused by varicose veins.
Contemporary life or pushing yourself to the limit, overweight and pregnancy are factors that affect the body. The appearance of varicose veins leads to a variety of unpleasant experiences associated with the symptoms that accompany them, as well as an unattractive appearance of the legs.

In order to deal with the troubles that the enlarged veins cause, there are things we should do and things we shouldn’t.


Avoid prolonged standing. This position exhausts your legs and creates edemas. It’s healthy to go for a walk but it isn’t to stand still. Movement is health!

Crossing your legs for a long time. This position interferes with the free functioning of the venous system which forms an intravenous congestion. The result will be pain in your feet and varicies.

Control your weight. Overweight is crucial to your whole body. The additional weight applies unneeded pressure to your feet, which makes you susceptible to vein enlargement.

Practice smart! If issues with the venous system are present, intensive training for the legs isn’t appropriate. The weights in the gym are more likely to harm you rather than improve your body. Swimming and other water related sports have a positive effect since they aren’t as exhaustive and the pressure isn’t targeted at your feet.


Visit a masseur. Massages have a magical effect on the whole body. When talking about leg care and preventive measures for irritated veins, this is a great gift for your health. Massages move the blood, relieve pain and weight, while having an enjoyable experience.

When you suffer from varicose veins, with the first signs of their appearance, you can treat areas where there is discomfort locally.
For this purpose there are different products that cool troubled areas and alleviate the painful symptoms. Foot care is an important part of our everyday life. The problems of neglecting the symptoms of venous system disorder are painful, unacceptable aesthetic and deepening over time. That is why it is good for us to take preventive measures for our legs and not allow the development of varicose veins.